MSW Field Profiles 2021-22

MSW Olivia Orbe 2021 Agency Name: Promise Neighborhoods of the Lehigh Valley Profile: Promise Neighborhoods is a black - led, liberation - based, grassroots community organization that is led by residents of Allentown, Pennsylvania. It uses multiple assets within the community to provide services, resources, and programs to help individuals grow, find a sense of belonging, and achieve success. Field Placement Responsibilities: As an intern at Promise Neighborhoods, I will be in the Zero Youth Violence program, which is an anti - violence program dedicated to helping individuals find a sense of hope and belonging within the community. It incorporates strategies such as changing social norms, identifying conflict, enforcing racial justice, and creating a peaceful community. I will take on the role of broker, enabler, organizer, and coordinator within the agency. I will be able to practice the social work skills of displaying empathy, empowerment, learning, networking, and completing administrative tasks. Zero Youth Violence also helps prison survivors re - enter society, which allows me to practice building trust, managing diversity, and providing information. Future Goals: My future goal is to work with vulnerable populations. I believe that social work has a variety of different opportunities, and I am willing to dive into any type of work where I can make a difference! Department of Social Work