The Key

Student Conduct & Regulations 81|Page The Undergraduate Academic Honesty Committee shall make a finding based on the testimony and evidence presented. The standard of evidence used in such proceedings is preponderance, therefore, a decision of responsibility will be based upon presented evidence sufficient to make a reasonable person believe that it was more likely than not a student is in violation of University policy. Within one (1) week of the formal hearing, the Undergraduate Academic Honesty Committee shall render its decision in a written report, including recommended sanctions in the event of a responsible finding that shall be sent to the respondent, the complainant(s), the dean of the college, Registrar, and the chair of the department. 4. Appeals. a. The First Appeal. Any principal participant in a case may appeal the findings of the Undergraduate Academic Honesty Committee to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The appeal must be in writing and must describe in detail the grounds for the appeal and what alternate decision is desired instead. These grounds for appeal may include such claims as denial of due process, new evidence, an erroneous finding, and an inappropriate recommended sanction of suspension or dismissal. This appeal must be made within one (1) week of the ruling made by the Undergraduate Academic Honesty Committee. If not, the ruling of the Undergraduate Academic Honesty Committee shall be enforced. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall deny or uphold the appeal and shall have the power to modify the recommended sanction of temporary suspension or permanent dismissal accordingly. b. The Second and Final Appeal. The ruling of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs may be appealed in writing under the same rules as given above to the University President, or the President’s designee (who shall not be the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs). This appeal must be made within one (1) week of the ruling made by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. If not, the ruling of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall be enforced. The University President, or the President’s designee (who shall not be the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs), may deny or uphold the appeal and has the power to modify the recommended sanction of temporary suspension or permanent dismissal accordingly. The ruling of the President, or the President’s designee, shall be final. 5. When the student is found not responsible. Assuming the student is found not responsible, the student has the right to complete the course in question without penalty due to this unproved accusation. The student’s grade in the course should be based upon the student’s academic performance during the course and be consistent with grading procedures used for other students in the same course as if no complaint of academic dishonesty had ever been made. A student who is found not responsible of violating the Academic Honesty Policy, but who nevertheless feels penalized for it, can appeal the grade separately under the University’s Grade Appeal Policy (if the student received an “F” in the course).