The Key

Student Conduct & Regulations 37|Page to accept or deny responsibility for the violation(s) in question. If additional time is needed, student organization representatives may be given three (3) to five (5) business days to enter a response. a. If accepting responsibility, the student organization will be provided the opportunity to make a statement about the incident for consideration by the case officer prior to issuance of sanction. b. If denying responsibility, a Student Organization Conduct Review hearing will be scheduled. 2. Student Organization Conduct Review hearings are conducted by a reviewing authority comprised of approximately 1-3 university representatives which may include the following: Associate Dean of Students or designee, Associate Director of Student Conduct, University Conduct Board Hearing Officer(s), Senior Director of Student Union & Student Involvement and/or Assistant Vice President for Recreational Services and Athletic Resources. 3. A Student Organization Conduct Review hearing may be attended only by the following: a. The designated case officer(s) or university complainant. b. The investigator if other than the case officer or university complainant. c. Two (2) representatives of the student organization one of whom must be an officer of the registered student organization such as the President or Vice President. Other members of the student organization, unless specifically called to the review as a witness, may not attend the proceeding. Student organizations that do not have representatives appear for their review will have their case heard without the benefit of their participation and a decision made based on the presented evidence. d. The official university advisor of the registered student group. It is the student organization’s responsibility to request the presence of their advisor and to notify the advisor of the date and time of the review. Advisors are not direct participants in the review meeting but can advise their organization, in private, as reasonably necessary. 4. The case officer, university complainant, or investigator will review the investigation report. 5. The student organization’s representatives are invited to present a response to the investigation report and/or present any new evidence or information regarding the allegations contained in the report or introduced at the review meeting. 6. The reviewing authority may ask questions to the parties in attendance regarding the incident, investigation report or new information presented during the review. 7. After the review process is completed, the reviewing authority may: rule on the decision immediately, further deliberate on the case, or decide additional investigation is warranted. 8. Upon examination of the available evidence including any follow up or supplemental investigation, the reviewing authority will make one of the following decisions, for each charge: a. The student organization is found not responsible. b. The student organization is found responsible and a sanction is imposed. c. The case is dismissed. 9. Any sanction levied against a student organization, if necessary, is done so organizationally. Individual student behavior and sanctions may be referred to the student conduct system separately consistent with the Student Code of Conduct. 10. The standard of proof used in all student conduct proceedings is a preponderance of the evidence; therefore, a decision of responsibility will be based upon presented evidence sufficient to make a reasonable person believe that it was more likely than not a student is in violation of university policy. 11. A report of the decision will be made, in writing, within a reasonable period of time, approximately 5 to 10 business days, by the hearing authority to the President or designee of the student organization. A copy