The Key

Involvement & Engagement 152|Page Section 6: A mid-year election shall be held no later than two (2) weeks after the beginning of the spring semester should any vacancies have occurred up until that time. In the event vacancies bring the Board below 85% of full membership, a special election may be called at any time by the SGB Executive Council to return the Board to its full membership. Section 7: Students elected at the regular spring election shall take office on June 1st. Section 8: All Student Government Board elections will be in accordance with the Election Policy. ARTICLE IX. IMPEACHMENT Section 1: Any member of the Student Government Board may be impeached for failure to conform to Student Government Board policies and the rules set forth within said policies, or member’s failure to fulfill his/her duties and responsibilities set down in this Constitution (Article IV, Section 3) and under the Bylaws of the Student Government Board of Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. Section 2: Charges of impeachment may be brought up by any representative to the Student Government Board and requires a three fourths affirmative vote. Section 3: Removal from office must be done in order of due process of law as set forth in the Resignation and Dismissal Policy. ARTICLE X. PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern all meetings. ARTICLE XI. ADVISORS The advisor to the Student Government Board shall be determined by the Division of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs and the Student Government Board, and he/she shall be a professional member of the faculty and/or staff employed by the Commonwealth. ARTICLE XII. JUDICIAL The judicial power of the Student Government Association shall be vested in the Student Judicial Boards established under the Student Rights and Welfare Document. ARTICLE XIII. AMENDMENTS Section 1: Amendments to this Constitution may be initiated by a petition signed by ten percent (10%) of the Student Government Association, or a motion supported by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Student Government Board. Such amendments shall be submitted in writing during New Business at any regular meeting of the Student Government Board at least one (1) week prior to Student Government Board taking action on the amendments. Section 2: Following Student Government Board approval, the proposed amendments must be published before they are brought to a vote. the proposed amendments must be distributed to the Student Government Association at least ten (10) class days prior to voting. Section 3: Proposed amendments must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the Student Government Association members voting, with a minimum participation of five percent (5%) of the Student Government Association required, during a voting period not to exceed twenty (20) class days from the date voting begins. Section 4: Unless otherwise stated, all amendments shall take effect at the start of the next regular meeting of the Student Government Board. No amendment will take place retroactively. ARTICLE XIV. RATIFICATION