The Key

Involvement & Engagement 151|Page Section 1: The officers of the Student Government Board, in order of succession, shall consist of the President, Vice President, Parliamentarian, Treasurer, and Secretary. Section 2: Each officer may serve in only one position at one time on the Executive Council of the Student Government Board. Section 3: In order to be eligible to run for office, a representative must be a member of the Student Government Board for two semesters. Section 4: At the first regular meeting after the regular election, the newly elected Student Government Board shall nominate representatives to serve as officers. During the following meeting, the newly elected Student Government Board shall vote by secret ballot to elect the new officers. Section 5: Should a vacancy occur on the Executive Council during the academic year, nominations to fill the position shall be made at the next regular meeting, with an election to be held at the next regular meeting following nominations. The newly elected officer shall fulfill the remainder of the term. ARTICLE VI. MEETINGS Section 1: Regular meeting times shall be decided by the Student Government Board Executive Council. Section 2: All special meetings shall be called by the Executive Council of the Student Government Board. Section 3: All voting and standing members are expected to follow the Student Government Board Attendance Policy. Section 4: All meetings will be open to the public with the exception of Executive Session in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. ARTICLE VII. COMMITTEES Section 1: All standing committees and non-standing committee chairpersons of the Student Government Board shall be designated by the Vice President of the Student Government Board in conjunction with a consensus of the Executive Council and the Student Government Board. Section 2: Any member of the Student Government Association may be a member of any Student Government Board Committee upon the approval of the committee chairperson. Section 3: The standing committees shall be filled in accordance with the Standing Committee Policy. Section 4: Each of the above stated committees shall have a liaison to the Student Government Board. Section 5: All committees shall promote the rules, regulations and orderly business of the Student Government Board. Section 6: All committees shall be run in accordance with the Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. ARTICLE VIII. ELECTIONS Section 1: All representatives shall be elected in elections supervised by the Student Government Board and its advisor. Section 2: Each select group (Article IV, Section 1) shall vote for candidates in their constituent group by secret ballot for their representatives to the Student Government Board. Section 3: The general election of Student Government Board representatives shall be held no later than three (3) weeks prior to the end of the academic year, and no earlier than six (6) weeks prior to the end of the academic year. Section 4: The newly registered students shall be elected as representatives no later than four weeks into the fall semester. Section 5: A new academic year election will be held to fill seat vacancies identified at the first SGB meeting of the semester. These empty seats will be filled by election no later than four (4) weeks into the fall semester.