Council of Trustees Handbook

Communicate Effectively Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate clearly and effectively. Think Critically and Creatively Students will demonstrate the ability to effectively access, evaluate, and interpret information; adapt to changing situations; and use creative and novel ideas and solutions to better solve problems and make complex decisions. Value Diversity Students will demonstrate an understanding and ability to live and work within diverse communities. Acquire Knowledge Students will demonstrate a depth and breadth of knowledge. Practice Social and Professional Integrity Students will demonstrate the ability to act ethically and with empathy, honesty, and responsibility. OUR INSTITUTIONAL LEARNING OUTCOMES GOAL 1: ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE _______________ Kutztown University will promote, enhance and sustain academic excellence, through creativity, scholarship, and innovative teaching and learning environments to prepare students for a successful future and lifelong learning. Objective 1 ___________________________________ Promote exceptional teaching. Key Results: – Engagement with the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching (CET) is enhanced. – Emphasis on pedagogy in new faculty orientation is increased. – Faculty are supported to implement best instructional practices. Objective 2 __________________________________ Commit to continuous improvement of academic programs by using results of regular and rigorous assessment. Key Results: –Comprehensive review and revision of First Year Seminar, using direct and indirect assessment results, by 2022. –All graduate programs complete crosswalk of program Student Learning Outcomes to Institutional Learning Outcomes, by 2022. –Percent of academic assessment actions that are focused on curriculum and pedagogy vs. actions on changing the assessment process, increased. –Program review process integrated it into a larger, holistic assessment process. –“Close the loop” on four general education goals.