Council of Trustees Handbook

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INTERESTS INSTRUCTIONS Please print neatly in capital letters. If you require more space than has been provided, please attach an 8 1/2” x 11” piece of paper to the form. Blocks 01 through 06 are for current information. Block 01 Enter your last name, first name, middle initial and suffix (if applicable) in the spaces provided. Public office candidates should use the exact name used on official nomination petition or papers. Block 02 List an office (business or governmental) or home address and daytime telephone number. Block 03 Check the box or boxes to indicate your status. See definitions on front page. If you are correcting a prior filing, please check the box designating an amended form. Block 04 Check the appropriate box (seeking, hold, held) for each position you list in the blocks below. List all public position(s) which you are seeking, currently hold, or have held in the prior calendar year. Please be sure to include job titles and official titles such as “member” or “commissioner” (even if serving as an alternate/designee). Block 05 List all Commonwealth agency(ies) or political subdivision(s) as to which you: (1) are presently seeking a public position or public office as a candidate (incumbent or non-incumbent) or nominee; (2) presently hold public office(s) or public employment; and/or (3) previously held a public office(s) or public employment during all or any portion of the calendar year listed in block 07. (The term “political subdivision” includes a county, city, borough, incorporated town, township, school district, vocational school, county institution, district, and any authority, entity or body organized by the aforementioned). Block 06 List your current occupation or profession. This information may be the same as stated in block 04. Block 07 List the calendar year for which you are filing this form. Like tax returns, the form discloses financial information for a prior calendar year. For example, for the form due May 1, 2024, block 07 would read “2023.” The information in blocks 08 through 15 should represent financial interests for the calendar year listed in Block 7. Block 08 REAL ESTATE INTERESTS: List the address of any property which was involved in transactions (leasing, purchasing, or condemnation proceedings of real estate interests) with the Commonwealth or any other governmental body within the Commonwealth. If you have no direct or indirect interests in such a property, then check “NONE.” Block 09 CREDITORS: List the name and address of any creditor and the interest rate of any debt over $6,500 regardless of whether such debt is held solely by you or jointly by you and any other individual, including your spouse, where each obligor is fully responsible for the obligation. A joint obligation with other persons for which the filer is responsible only for a proportional share that is less than the reporting threshold, is not required to be reported. Do not report a mortgage or equity loan on your home (or secondary home), or loans or credit between you and your spouse, child, parent or sibling. Car loans, credit cards, personal loans and lines of credit must be listed on the form if the balance owed was in excess of $6,500 at any time during the calendar year. If you do not have any reportable creditor, then check “NONE.” Block 10 DIRECT OR INDIRECT SOURCES OF INCOME: List the name and address of each source of $1,300 or more of gross income - - including but not limited to gross income from the public position - - regardless of whether such income is received solely by you or jointly by you and another individual, such as a spouse. “Income” includes any money or thing of value received or to be received as a claim on future services or in recognition of services rendered in the past, whether in the form of a payment, fee, salary, expense, allowance, forbearance, forgiveness, interest, dividend, royalty, rent, capital gain, reward, severance payment, proceeds from the sale of a financial interest in a corporation, professional corporation, partnership or other entity resulting from termination/withdrawal therefrom upon assumption of public office or employment or any other form of recompense or combination thereof. The term refers to gross income and includes prize winnings and tax-exempt income but does not include gifts, governmentally-mandated payments or benefits, retirement, pension or annuity payments funded totally by contributions of the public official or employee, or miscellaneous incidental income of minor dependent children. Filers are not required to list income amounts. If you do not have ANY reportable source of income, then check “NONE.” Block 11 *GIFTS: For each source of gifts(s) valued at $250 or more in the aggregate, list the following information: the name and address of the source; the circumstances, including a description of each gift; and the value of the gift(s). Do not report political contributions otherwise reportable as required by law, gift(s) from friends or family members (the term “friend” does not include a registered lobbyist or employee of a registered lobbyist), or any commercially-reasonable loan made in the ordinary course of business. The Commission has held that a person cannot be deemed a “friend” if that person and/ or a business with which that person is associated is regulated by or has contracts with the public official’s governmental body. If you did not receive any reportable gift, then check “NONE.” Block 12 *TRANSPORTATION, LODGING OR HOSPITALITY EXPENSES: List the name and address of each source and the amount of each payment/reimbursement by the source for transportation, lodging or hospitality that you received in connection with your public position if the aggregate amount of such payments/reimbursements by the source exceeds $650 for the calendar year for which you are reporting. Do not report reimbursements made by a governmental body or by an organization/association of public officials/employees of political subdivisions that you serve in an official capacity. If you do not have any reportable expense payments/reimbursements, then check “NONE.” Block 13 OFFICE, DIRECTORSHIP OR EMPLOYMENT IN ANY BUSINESS ENTITY: List the name and address of the business entity for any office that you hold (Example: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer), any directorship that you hold (through service on a governing board such as a board of directors), and any employment that you have in any capacity whatsoever as to any business entity. This block focuses solely on your status as an officer, director or employee, regardless of income. If you do not have any office, directorship or employment in any business entity to report, then check “NONE.” Block 14 FINANCIAL INTERESTS: List the name and address and interest held in any business for profit of which you own more than 5% of the equity or more than 5% of the assets of economic interest in indebtedness. If you do not have any such financial interest to report, then check “NONE.” Block 15 TRANSFERRED BUSINESS INTERESTS: List the name and address of any business in which you transferred a financial interest (as defined in block 14 above) to a member of your immediate family (parent, spouse, child, brother or sister), as well as the interest held, relationship to the individual, and date of transfer. If you did not transfer any such business interest, then check “NONE.” Signature Sign the form and enter the current date. Back dating the form is a violation of law and could result in the initiation of civil, administrative and/or criminal penalties. *Please note the Commission has long held that the receipt of things of value, such as gifts, transportation, lodging and hospitality from vendors, those regulated, and others, may form the basis for a conflict of interest under Section 1103(a) of the Ethics Act. SEC-1 (Rev. 01/24)