Social Work Global Conference Report 2018

they would be willing to present in the future; 35.05% indicated that they might present at a future conference; and 52.58% indicated that they would not present at a future conference. This presentation will trace contemporary forms of slavery from its roots in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and demonstrate how modern slavery differs from and yet tracks traditional slavery. The paper will examine international instruments from the 1926 League of Nations Slave Convention, through the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Labor Conventions, the United Nations Human Rights Treaties and other international instruments for the prevention, suppression, and punishment of contemporary forms of slavery. The presentation will conclude with how to improve the regime for the eradication of contemporary slavery. Ethiopia well recognized by being the origin, conduit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries, and destination for migrants from IGAD member states. This presentation will examine the causes and consequences of human trafficking in the country. Human trafficking is fueled by various political, socio-economic and environmental factors. Dr. Kassaye will discuss the findings of his study, including factors identified as driving forces for illegal trafficking. The results further indicate that the victims in a place where they have been destined usually lose their life, cause family distraction, societal inconveniences, and poverty. He concludes by recommending that social workers and law enforcement officers strengthen their mutual cooperation to stop human sufferings resulted from illegal trafficking in persons. Themes drawn from qualitative responses, including potential future themes and overall needs Themes: Gun violence, Sex trafficking, Child welfare, World hunger and food insecurity, Welfare state, Domestic violence, International advocacy, Issues with the prison system/prison reform, Environmental racism, LGBTQIA rights, Substance use, Educational opportunities in low-income communities, Institutionalized racism and discrimination, Social work and disabilities, Barriers to the helping relationship, Working poor, Social work and politics, Suicide prevention, Cultural competence Needs : Adherence to scheduled time slots, tables for conference attendees. Thank you for attending and helping to make this year’s conference a success!