Student Conduct & Regulations 79|Page after a six-year period (sanction #3). Otherwise, student records and all copies (sanctions #1 and #2) are destroyed two (2) years after the student graduates or leaves the University. 5. The student has ten (10) calendar days from the date the student was notified of the alleged academic dishonesty to request a formal hearing if the student misses the deadline to appear for a scheduled meeting, does not reschedule the meeting within three (3) days, or fails to return the Academic Dishonesty Form – Undergraduate Students within three (3) days. The Formal Resolution Process 1. Initiation of the Formal Resolution Process. The Formal Resolution Process may be initiated by instructors, complaining students, or the Registrar. a. An instructor may initiate the Formal Resolution Process when the instructor, preferably in consultation with their department chair, seeks a sanction greater than failure in the course with a grade of “F” or the student involved was not enrolled in the course in question. In such cases, the instructor shall initiate the charges by submitting an Academic Dishonesty Form – Undergraduate Students along with supporting evidence to the Registrar within two (2) weeks of becoming aware of the violation. b. A responding student, who signed the Academic Dishonesty Report Form – Undergraduate Students under Option #2, may initiate the Formal Resolution Process when the student wishes to dispute the accusation(s) or sanction(s) described by the instructor on the form. In order to do this, the student must submit a written request for a formal hearing to the Registrar within one (1) week of the date given next to the student’s name on the Academic Dishonesty Report Form – Undergraduate Students. The request must explain the nature of the student’s disagreement with the charges or sanctions. Copies of the student’s request shall be sent to the instructor and the dean of the college by the Registrar as soon as the request for a formal hearing is received. 2. Preliminary briefing of the principals by the Registrar. The principal participants, or principals for short, in a case are defined to be students accused of academic dishonesty and those who have accused them either by signing an Academic Dishonesty Report Form – Undergraduate Students. If the student has requested a formal hearing, a letter with copies of the request will also be sent to the instructor and the dean. The letter will invite the student to meet with the Registrar for a preliminary briefing on the case. The responding student has one (1) week to schedule a time for such a briefing that will explain the process at the University and the student’s rights. During this same period of time, the Registrar shall also invite the instructor and any other complainants to a meeting to explain the process and the instructor’s rights and those of any other complainants. A formal hearing of the Undergraduate Academic Honesty Committee* will be scheduled within three (3) weeks of the date of the certified letter to the student. The Registrar shall make every effort to schedule the formal hearing at a time when all principals interested in attending can be there. Those who attend will be able to speak at appropriate times during the hearing. *The Undergraduate Academic Honesty Committee is a six-member Senate committee, five voting members and one non-voting member. Four undergraduate faculty, one from each college, and an at-large