Student Conduct & Regulations 74|Page Safety & Police Services, faculty, administrative staff, residence hall staff including student Community Assistants and Desk Assistants, etc.). 5. This policy is not intended to shield or protect those students or organizations that repeatedly violate the Student Code of Conduct. In cases where repeated violations of the Kutztown University Student Code of Conduct occur, the University reserves the right to take disciplinary action on a case-by-case basis regardless of the manner in which the incident was reported. 6. The University reserves the right to adjudicate any incident based on its review of the incident in question. The Dean of Students Office also reserves the right to contact any student to discuss an incident whether or not this policy is in effect. Academic Honesty – Undergraduate Students (ACA-027) A. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to define the procedures and penalties for academic dishonesty for undergraduate students. Kutztown University is committed to the personal and intellectual growth of its students. The principal context in which this growth occurs is the University’s courses, and the educational process depends upon an open and honest atmosphere of positive cooperation between faculty and students. In order to maintain this atmosphere, instructors must evaluate the academic performance of students fairly and students must demonstrate their mastery of subject matter honorably. Any acts of academic dishonesty by students, such as plagiarism on written papers or cheating on exams, threaten to undermine the educational and ethical goals of the University for its students. Such violations are of the utmost seriousness. The goal of the following policy and procedures is to promote a climate of academic honesty at the University. B. Scope This policy applies to all undergraduate students. C. Key words and phrases: GPA – stands for grade point average. CGPA – stands for cumulative grade point average. D. Policy & Procedure(s) Definitions of Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty is any action that constitutes a violation of the Academic Honesty Policy and includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Providing or receiving unauthorized assistance in coursework, examinations, or lab work. 2. Using unauthorized notes, materials, and devices during examinations or quizzes. 3. Plagiarizing or representing someone else’s words, either spoken or written, ideas, formulas, solutions, or data as one’s own work.