The Key

Student Conduct & Regulations 73|Page Student Conduct 119 Stratton Administration Center Phone: 610-683-1320 Web: Upon submission of the online Hazing Report Form, a copy of the report will automatically be forwarded to Public Safety & Police Services, Student Involvement, Dean of Students and Student Conduct offices for appropriate followup and investigation. If an emergency exists, please do not rely on this reporting form alone and contact Public Safety & Police Services at 610-683-4001 or call 911 immediately. Amnesty Policies Consistent with university policy, the university encourages the reporting of Student Code of Conduct violations and crimes, including hazing, therefore the university will follow a policy of offering victims of serious crimes or offenses amnesty from secondary student conduct infractions related to the incident question. The Good Samaritan Policy for Alcohol & Other Drug Incidents (STU-032) provides conditions for amnesty related to the reporting of alcohol and drug related medical emergencies. The Sexual Misconduct Policy (DIV-007) provides conditions for amnesty from alcohol and drug violations related to the reporting of sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking incidents. Good Samaritan Policy for Alcohol & Other Drug Incidents (STU-032) A. Philosophy 1. The health and safety of members of the Kutztown University community is a primary concern. 2. Students need to seek immediate medical attention for themselves or others when someone’s health and/or safety are at risk. 3. Students may be reluctant to seek assistance for themselves or others for fear of facing student conduct action from the University. 4. Kutztown University seeks to remove barriers that prevent students from seeking the medical attention they need. B. Scope This policy applies to all Kutztown University students. C. Policy The intent of this policy is to provide a general immunity from violations of the Kutztown University Student Code of Conduct if a student acts in an effort to seek assistance for themselves or another person during a medical emergency brought on as a result of alcohol or drug use. It does not and cannot grant immunity for criminal, civil, or legal consequences for violations of Federal, State, or Local law.