The Key

Student Conduct & Regulations 65|Page University does not provide for character witnesses in other proceedings. While the character witnesses will be allowed to testify and be crossed as required by the Final Rule, the Decision Maker(s) will be instructed to afford very low weight to any non-factual character testimony of any Witness. 10) The Decision Maker(s) will decide responsibility and make a recommendation as to sanction to the Dean of Students B. Timeline for Decision If there are no extenuating circumstances, the determination regarding responsibility will be issued by the University within 10 days of the completion of the hearing. C. Finality The determination regarding responsibility becomes final either upon the outcome of any appeal or the expiration of the window to appeal without an appeal being requested as set forth in the Appeals section below. 10. Disciplinary Sanctions Against Students A. Possible Disciplinary Sanctions The Dean of Students, who will be present at the hearing and after receiving a recommendation from the Decision Maker(s), may impose the following Disciplinary Sanctions upon Students, singly or in combination: a. Disciplinary Reprimand: A formal letter issued when a student's conduct is deemed to be unsatisfactory to the degree that the University makes a record of the incident and warns the student against repetition of similar behavior. b. Educational Activities: The required participation in a specified activity, service project, community service, educational program, event, assignment or other educational and/or restorative assignment. c. University Restrictions: Restricted attendance, access or participation with specific co-curricular events, programs, or student organizations/groups; change of residence hall assignment; no contact restrictions with specific individuals for a defined period of time; and/or restricted access or visitation privileges to specific campus facilities. d. Restitution: Payment for replacement or repair for damages to university property. Restitution may be applied only once if civil or criminal action is also being applied. In these cases, legal judgments shall take precedence. Restitution imposed by a campus hearing authority will be held in abeyance until civil and criminal charges can be finalized. e. Disciplinary Probation: Official notification of a specified period of review and monitoring not to exceed one year. Further violations of the Student Code of Conduct may result in more severe disciplinary action, including an examination of continued status as a student. Students on Disciplinary Probation are not in good disciplinary standing. f. Deferred Housing Suspension: The student is informed that although the violation of university regulations may warrant removal and suspension of residence hall privileges, a suspension is being deferred and the student is required to adhere to specific requirements and conditions imposed by the designated hearing authority. Failure to abide by the imposed conditions may result in the rescission of the deferment and loss of university housing privileges. The student is also advised that any subsequent violations may result in an immediate residence hall suspension.