The Key

Student Conduct & Regulations 49|Page Consent is not present when it is the result of coercion, intimidation, force, or threat of harm. Consent is not present when an individual is incapacitated due to alcohol, drugs, or sleep, or otherwise without capacity to provide Consent due to intellectual or other disability or other condition. Consent can be withdrawn at any time and consent to one form of sexual activity is not necessarily consent to other forms of sexual activity. When alcohol is involved, incapacitation is a state beyond drunkenness or intoxication. When drug use is involved, incapacitation is a state beyond being under the influence of or impaired by the use of the drug. Alcohol and other drugs impact each individual differently. Determining whether an individual is incapacitated requires an individualized determination. When determining whether a person has the capacity to provide Consent, the University will consider whether a sober, reasonable person in the same position knew or should have known that the other party could or could not consent to the sexual activity. When determining whether Consent has been provided, all the circumstances of the relationship between the parties will be considered. 5. Decision Maker(s) – The individual or individuals appointed by the University to render a decision on a Formal Complaint that goes to a hearing. The Decision Maker(s) will be free of conflict of interest and bias, and will not serve as the Investigator, Title IX Coordinator, an Advisor to any Party or Appeals Officer in the same matter. 6. Disciplinary Sanction – The penalty imposed on an individual for violating this Policy. For Students, Disciplinary Sanctions are subject to applicable University/System policies, up to and including expulsion from the University. For Employees, Disciplinary Sanctions are subject to applicable collective bargaining agreement or University/System policies, up to and including separation from employment. For Officials or Volunteers, this may include the removal or the request for removal of the Official or Volunteer from their respective position. 7. Education Program or Activity – For purposes of this Policy, the term “Education Program or Activity” includes any activity that occurs in, on or within: A. Any on-campus premises. B. Any off-campus premises the University has substantial control over. This includes buildings or property owned or controlled by a recognized student organization or a recognized affiliated entity. C. Computer and internet networks, digital platforms, and computer hardware or software owned or operated by, or used in the operations of the University’s programs and activities over which the University has substantial control. 8. Employee – An individual who is employed by the State System (either at a State System University or in the Office of the Chancellor) including, but not limited to, faculty members, coaches, staff, managers and student employees. 9. Final Rule – The Final Rule issued on May 19, 2020 by the U.S. Department of Education under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. 10. Formal Complaint – A document, including an electronic submission, filed by a Complainant with a signature or other indication that the Complainant is the person filing the Formal Complaint, or signed by the Title IX