Student Conduct & Regulations 44|Page The University is firmly committed to free expression and academic freedom and to creating and maintaining a safe, healthy, and harassment-free environment for all members of its community. Sexual misconduct, including retaliation, against members of the University is not protected expression nor the proper exercise of academic freedom. The University will consider principles offree expression and academic freedom in the investigation of reports of sexual misconduct or retaliation that involve an individual’s statements or speech. 7. Alcohol and Drug Use Amnesty for Students The health and safety of every student at the University is of utmost importance. The University recognizes that students who have been drinking and/or using drugs (whether such use is voluntary or involuntary) at the time sexual misconduct occurs may be hesitant to report such incidents due to fear of potential consequences for their own conduct. The University strongly encourages students to report incidents of sexual misconduct. A witness to or individual who experience sexual misconduct, acting in good faith, who discloses any incident of sexual misconduct to University officials or law enforcement will not be sanctioned under the University’s Student Code of Conduct for violations of alcohol and/or drug use policies occurring at or near the time of the incident(s) of sexual misconduct. The University may request the individual attend an approved alcohol or drug education program and without assessing any charges for such program. This amnesty provision also applies to student groups making a report of sexual misconduct. Amnesty does not preclude or prevent action by police or other legal authorities pursuant to relevant state or federal criminal statutes. 8. Scope of Policy This Policy applies to all on campus and off-campus conduct that is likely to have a substantial adverse effect on any member of the University community. There is no time limit for reporting allegations of sexual misconduct, however, the University strongly encourages the prompt reporting of sexual misconduct to allow the University to respond promptly and effectively. If the reported Respondent is not a member of the University community or is no longer associatedwith the University at the time of the report or at the time a resolution process is initiated, the University may be unable to investigate or take disciplinary action and may be required to dismiss the Formal Complaint for a lack of jurisdiction. See the Jurisdiction and Dismissals section. Please see the Reporting Sexual Misconduct section below for more information on how and where to report misconduct, discrimination and/or harassment, or to file a Formal Complaint. 9. Burden of Proof The burden of proof refers to who has the responsibility of showing a violation has occurred. It is always the responsibility of the University to satisfy the burden of proof. The Respondent does not have the burden to prove that a violation did not occur. Respondents may decide not to share their side of the story or may decide not to participate in an investigation or hearing. This does not shift the burden of proof away from the University and does not indicate responsibility. Additionally, Decision-Maker(s) shall not make an adverseinference against a Respondent for the Respondent’s refusal to participate in an investigation or hearing, nor will Respondent’s refusal to participate result in increased sanctions if the Respondent is found responsible for the violation(s).