Student Conduct & Regulations 28|Page intercollegiate varsity, non-varsity, or club events or to hold office in any Student Organization. Any subsequent violations will likely result in the immediate suspension or dismissal of the student from the university. Students on Deferred Suspension are not in good disciplinary standing. i. Suspension: A recommendation approved by the Dean of Students for the exclusion of a student from the University for a specific period of time not to exceed four (4) years. During the period of suspension, the student: is ineligible to enroll or participate in any academic courses or university programs and activities; must adhere to all other terms and conditions of their official sanctions; must not be involved in further student conduct violations during their period of suspension and is required to meet with the Dean of Students or designee and complete the Post Suspension Reentry Form PRIOR to reenrolling at Kutztown University. In addition, the University may restrict or place limitations on a suspended student’s access to campus facilities during this period of time as specified as part of their official sanction. Suspended students are not in good disciplinary standing. Unless a student officially withdraws from the university, the student’s relationship with the university is maintained therefore any alleged disciplinary infraction that occurs while a student is serving a suspension will be adjudicated in accordance with university policy. Violating conditions of suspension subjects the student to additional sanctions including, but not limited to, an extension of suspension and/or dismissal from the university. j. Dismissal: A recommendation approved by the Dean of Students for the permanent separation of the student from the University. Under this status, the relationship between the student and the University is terminated and the individual is no longer considered a student. A dismissed student is excluded from University property for a minimum period of four (4) years. Students on Dismissal are not in good disciplinary standing. 2. Application and Maintenance a. All sanctions imposed upon a student will be kept on file in the Dean of Students Office as an indication of one's conduct and to determine future sanctions, if necessary. These files may not be examined by hearing authorities before responsibility has been determined in an active proceeding. b. Sanctions may include any combination of the above (9.1.a-j). 3. Jurisdiction for the Issuance of Sanctions a. Designated hearing authorities may impose all sanctions, including recommendation for suspension or dismissal from the University. Article 10: Appeals 1. Filing an Appeal To file an appeal request, an appellant must complete and submit a Student Conduct Request for Appeal Form along with a required written statement, found online at: •,or • a. All student respondents and complainants after having their case heard and decided by the appropriate board or university official, may appeal the decision to the Appeals Board. Within five (5) business days, after being officially informed in writing of the decision, an appeal form from the complainant or the respondent must be submitted online using the Student Conduct Request for Appeal Form to the Dean