The Key

Student Conduct & Regulations 22|Page • or, • Such reports shall be filed with the Dean of Students Office and shall contain the following: a. a clear reference to the specific University regulation, which was allegedly violated, b. a reasonably detailed description of precise acts or omissions, (dates, times, places, victims, and coactors, if any, shall be specified); and c. identification of the individual referring charges and all witnesses who are expected to give testimony, the substance of that testimony, and a description of other types of evidence which may be used. 2. If student conduct charges are warranted, the student respondent will be sent a notice of charges from the Dean of Students’ Office indicating the student is being charged with a violation of university regulations and is instructed to make an appointment for a preliminary briefing with their assigned case officer by the deadline indicated in the notice of charges, typically two (2) to ten (10) business days from the date of notice. This notice will include the specific conduct charges being brought against the student as well as the date, time, and location of the incident. 3. A student may waive their right to participate in the student conduct process, including a hearing, through a written statement. 4. Failure to appear or schedule a preliminary briefing within the specified time-frame as informed in the notice of charges will result in the scheduling of a hearing. Cases that may result in the suspension or dismissal of student as result of a responsible finding, will be scheduled as a formal hearing; all other cases will be heard informally as an administrative hearing. Respondents will be notified of the date and time of the hearing and their attendance requested. If the respondent does not appear for this hearing after being provided advanced notice, a decision of responsibility will be made at this meeting based on the presented evidence. 5. At the preliminary briefing, the respondent: a. is informed of the charges against them. b. is advised of the witnesses who may be presented at a hearing. c. is advised of their right to an advisor consistent with Article 8. d. is advised of the possible sanctions which may be imposed. e. is advised of their right to appeal and informed of the procedure. f. upon being advised of the above, is asked to respond to the alleged violation by choosing one (1) of the following responses: 1) accept responsibility for the violation(s), and waive the right to a hearing and have the case officer or hearing authority determine sanction. The respondent will be notified of their sanction(s), in writing, within five (5) to ten (10) business days from the date of outcome, unless extenuating circumstances exist to warrant an extension, by the case officer or hearing authority. 2) deny responsibility for the violation(s) and request a formal hearing before the appropriate hearing authority. 3) deny responsibility for the violation(s), waive their right to participate in a hearing as defined in Article 5.3, and have their case decided informally by an administrative hearing officer. This option is not available for cases that may result in a sanction of suspension or dismissal.