Involvement & Engagement 150|Page Student Government Association Constitution PREAMBLE In order for the students of Kutztown University of Pennsylvania to create a unified association of student government, to promote communication within the University, and to ensure the rights and privileges of all our constituents, we the students do hereby establish the Student Government Association of Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. ARTICLE I. NAME This association shall from henceforth be designated as the Student Government Association of Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. ARTICLE II. MEMBERSHIP OF THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION All students enrolled at Kutztown University shall be members of the Student Government Association (“SGA”) upon payment of the Student Activity Fee. ARTICLE III. FUNCTIONS The Student Government Association shall function as a collective body from which a Student Activity Fee shall be collected, and which shall elect as its executive and legislative body the Student Government Board as set forth in this document. ARTICLE IV. COMPOSITION OF THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT BOARD Section 1: The Student Government Association shall be represented by a minimum of thirty-two (32) voting members of the Student Government Board, in accordance with the composition formula set forth within the Redistribution Policy, including: (a) Representatives elected from the College of Business. (b) Representatives elected from the College of Education. (c) Representatives elected from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. (d) Representatives elected from the College of Visual & Performing Arts. (e) Representatives elected from the student body At-Large. (f) Representatives elected from the new students registered at Kutztown University with less than 21 credits. Section 2: Members of the Student Government Board must be elected by the students in their select group or college (Article IV, Section 1). Section 3: Members of the Student Government Board shall: (a) Be a constituent of their elected group (i.e., college or at-large) for the duration of their term of office. If a member’s college changes mid-term, said member will continue to represent the original constituent group until their term expires. (b) Represent the interests of their constituent group (Article IV, Section 1). (c) Represent the interests of the student body in all business brought before the Student Government Board. (d) Plan to serve for the duration of one year, with the exception of those members who have served on the board in the past and have less than one full year remaining; or members who were elected to fulfill a vacancy for the remainder of a term (Article VIII, Section 5). (e) Remain in good disciplinary standing. (f) Maintain a 2.3 cumulative grade point average during each semester of membership.