The Key

Policy Information 105|Page 5. A copy of the sales/fundraising form, which is given to the sponsoring organizationupon approval of the sale or fundraiser must be carried with the seller(s) at all times during the scheduled activity. 6. The Committee reserves the right to refuse to approve requests for sale dates that would interfere with or impede the sale of similar items by another organization which previously was issued a sales permit. This includes sales which would run concurrently or prior to such a previously scheduled sale. 7. All door-to-door activities, including sales and fundraisers, are prohibited. 8. Sales can be held in various indoor and outdoor locations around campus. The time of day for each sale will be determined by the location’s hours of operation, space availability, and schedule of events. 9. Sales held in residence halls must take place by the front desk of each hall orthe immediate area and can take place from 7:00 p.m. through 11:00 p.m. only. 10. External sales held in the Student Union Building are subject to a rental fee for each table needed. 11. Raffles, lotteries, other forms of gambling, and other things in violation of local, state, and federal law cannot be conducted on campus. The On-Campus Sales and Fundraising Committee reserves the right to refuse to allow any sale or fundraiser that is inconsistent with the University’s mission or contractual obligations. 12. The normal routine and operation of the University may not be interrupted or disrupted by the sale/fundraising activity. The Director of Public Safety and Police Services shall be consulted if there is any doubt regarding the potential for disruption. If it is determined that the sale/fundraising activity has the potential for disruption, then the Director of Public Safety and Police Services, a representative from the group conducting the activity, and the group’s advisor shall meet to discuss preventative measures. If preventive measures cannot be developed and undertaken, permission for the activitywill be denied. 13. Any sale or fundraising activity for which off-campus advertisement is planned is by definition to be considered potentially disruptive due to restricted campus parking policies. Consequently, the above procedures for review of plans should beimplemented prior to registration of the sale. 14. The Student Housing Agreement precludes the use of student rooms for sales, for the storage of merchandise, or for any other commercial activity. The Housing Office allows exceptions to this policy for such activities as the saleof personally owned items such as textbooks and such personal services as typing. 15. Vendors promoting applications for financial services (e.g., credit cards) must provide each individual student with full written disclosure of the application’s intended useand expected outcomes. 16. Vendors of financial services are prohibited from providing “free” merchandisein exchange for student applications for services. E. Contracts: 1. When sponsoring an external sale, a group must have a vendor agreement completedby the vendor. 2. Three original copies of the completed contract, after being signed by the vendor, mustbe submitted to the Office for Student Involvement at least two weeks prior to the scheduled sale or fundraiser. F. Advertising and Promotion: 1. Approval for any off-campus advertising must be obtained at the time thesale or fundraiser is registered. 2. On-campus advertising must be conducted in a manner consistent with University guidelines regarding the posting of information on-campus. Information distribution within the residence halls must conform with the Information Dissemination to Residence Hall Students Policy.