Innovision Fall 2021

FALL 2021 | 9 about how you would sell yourself to a prospective employer if you were stuck in an elevator with them for 30 seconds. It might sound old-school, but it is still relevant today. Lee Freeman shared a few of the most important items to include in your pitch. He started with leadership experience, followed by academics, internship/work experience, and finally, personal career goals. He even shared his own elevator pitch as an example for students. Along with the important topics in an elevator speech, he emphasized the importance of rehearsal. You want to be rehearsed enough that the pitch is memorized cleanly, but not so rehearsed that it sounds mechanical. There’s a fine line between the two. For an elevator pitch "start with leadership experience, followed by academics, internship/work experience, and, finally, personal career goals." The last tip was about post job fair etiquette. Some people might say that Thank You notes aren’t necessary, but Eileen Kowalski always recommends them. Not only will it solidify who you are to the potential employer, but it also lets the representatives know that you are grateful for the time they spent talking with you during the fair. She emphasized that it’s important to write each person a different message because potential employers can find out and it looks unprofessional. At the end of the panel discussion, there was a Q&A session where the students in attendance could ask the panelists questions about their work history and experience at job fairs. Events like “Preparing for the Job Fair” allow Kutztown University’s College of Business students to succeed professionally both now and in the future.