Innovision Spring 2024

30 | INNOVISION MAGAZINE On April 16 and 17, the Sport Management department hosted the second annual National High School Sport Business Case Competition, where eight high school finalists competed at the de Francesco building. The champions were high school students from Hunter College. Eastern York High School was awarded second place, and Bergen County Academy earned third place. The first-place team earned $1,000 from sponsors, and all the finalists received certificates of participation. On April 17, the student teams competed at KU, where they had 15 minutes to give a presentation about their sport business case. After each presentation, the teams received brief questioning from the judges. The second round featured four teams, and the final round of the competition determined the winner. Before competing at KU, the top eight teams attended a secret shopper event on April 16 at the Wells Fargo Center. The students toured the facility to assess customer satisfaction and service quality. Prior to April, the competition began Feb. 19. Students were given an online written exam to determine the competition’s finalists. “The National High School Business Case Competition provides high school students with the same type of experiential practice that our department strives to provide for our students in the Sport Management major,” said Dr. Duane Crider, chair of the competition. “High school student teams can grow their skills and learn real lessons to apply to future situations and opportunities.” NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SPORT BUSINESS CASE COMPETITION High school students, judges, professors and volunteers