Innovision Spring 2024

MAKIYA SAVAGE When Makiya graduated high school, she knew she wanted her next school to be the best move for her career. Looking back after four years, she is confident she made the right choice. “I put myself out there and became comfortable with being uncomfortable. It is so amazing to see the impact I have made, even on people who do not know me.” REC CENTER Makiya started working in the rec center her sophomore year as a supervisor, where she operated the front desk, cleaned rooms, and took payments. It was her connections within the rec center that offered her a job as an intern. “I already showed I have a strong work ethic and time management skills, so when I was looking for an internship, my connections paid off.” As an intern, she works on intermural sports by scheduling and planning events for the teams. For her internship credit, Makiya is working on a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training project that is a guidebook for other staff. “Being an intern has connected my experience between coaching and the rec center. I always wanted to coach. In the past, my coaches had a big impact on me, and I want to be that impactful figure in someone else’s life.” SPORT MANAGEMENT Makiya’s passion for sport management grew from her love of athletics. While at KU, she found her place within the major, and is especially grateful for Dr. Cebula, her Introduction to Sport Management professor. “Dr. Cebula has been impactful to my education. She has helped me get into graduate school.” With letters of recommendation from KU faculty, Makiya was accepted into Temple University’s sport business master’s program. Starting in the fall, she will have concentrations in athletic administration and recreation and event management. PRESIDENT OF BSU In her Junior year, Makiya became president of the Black Student Union. She organizes the meetings, events, and the BSU Gala. For Black Lives Matter week, she collaborated with other clubs to promote the students of color on campus. “One unexpected aspect as president is the mentoring opportunities. I didn’t realize how many students needed a space or person to talk to – to trust – and I have grown into that role.” FUTURE ASPIRATIONS Makiya’s career aspirations include working with younger athletes through recreational sports. “I want to work with people, cultures, and make bonds that will have an impact.” SPRING 2024 | 13