2 such as this offer appropriate workforce training for individuals entering the field or in need of upskilling. Next three to five years (add cells as needed): 6-Digit Program CIP Code Credential level and type Program Name Brief Rationale Credentialing programs being considered for curtailment over the indicated planning period-- whether by moratorium or by consolidating with program(s) at one or more State System universities in order to share delivery, and a brief rationale. Next two years (add cells as needed): 6-Digit Program CIP Code Credential level and type Program Name M C Brief Rationale 38.0101 Bachelor of Arts Philosophy X Unless a feasible plan is developed in the next few months regarding a shared major with KU as a hub, we will be moving this program into moratorium due to lack of student interest. What impact will the above actions have on the academic program array metrics (i.e., student/faculty ratio, average section size, number of programs) in the coming years? Addition of programs in Informatics, as well as credentials useful to workforce audiences, such as the three CMT certificates upcoming, will increase student FTE on our campus, thus aiding us in the work of rightsizing our faculty/student complement. Removal of programs for which students are showing little interest over an extended period will provide the opportunity for deployment of faculty into other general education courses, thereby reducing temporary faculty usage and aiding in our alignment work.