Tower-Summer 2019
SUMMER 2019 | TOWER 15 KU generates more than $ 557 m in economic activity. Nearly 90 % of State System students are PA residents. 72 % For every $ 1 invested by the Commonwealth in the State System, the return rate = nearly $ 11 in economic impact. PA residents with a State System university degree earn 71 %more than a high school graduate. Our faculty publish more than 70 and present hundreds of professional papers worldwide. articles and books, Last summer (2018), approximately 22,000 people took advantage of KU’s expansive camps/conferences program, ranging from the arts to athletics. 95 % of State System grads obtain jobs or continue their education KU earned nearly $ 5 million in grants in 2018–2019. stay in PA after graduation to live, work, and raise families. To encourage a global environment, KU has agreements with institutions in Costa Rica Denmark Ecuador Germany Greece India Italy Netherlands Spain Taiwan
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