
FALL 2020 | TOWER 19 That was in 2014. Thankfully, Brabhamwas somewhat seasoned due to her father encouraging her to play on club teams at her neighborhood recreation center. To date, her coaching tenure has focused mostly on fourth- and fifth-grade girls, and it includes winning an elementary championship in 2016. “They’re learning how to play. A lot of them don’t have the skills yet, so it is definitely just a rewarding experience to be able to teach them how to dribble,” Brabham says. “They’re also old enough to understand sarcasm – you can actually have full conversations about anything and everything.” What it Means toGive Back As an established and accomplished educator, Brabham recalls the investments in her success and is moved by gratitude. Last year, she joined KU’s Tower Society and generously established the “Tekiah Brabham ’05 Scholarship” for students attending KU coming from Reading, Allentown or Philadelphia school districts. “After I received a scholarship through a generous donor at Kutztown, I knew that one way I would give back was through my own scholarship,” says Brabham. KU helped inspire Brabham’s giving spirit, and today she’s paying it forward to make a meaningful difference for Golden Bears coming from urban districts as she did. “It doesn’t matter how small or big the amount. It could be the money that will help somebody re- enroll, or even help somebody graduate. Maybe it’s the last $1,000 they need to actually walk down the aisle and get their diploma,” says Brabham. “For me, it was something I always knew I would do, and it’s the right thing. If you have it, you should give it.” “This is what I was called to do. My job is to educate and inspire. Some days you’re going to look at the paycheck and say this isn’t worth it. But you can’t do it for the money, nor the summers off.”