MSW Field Profiles 2020-21

MSW Mia Dunn 2020 Agency Name: Aspire to Autonomy Profile: Aspire to Autonomy is a non - profit in the Lehigh Valley that advocates for human trafficking survivors. Their goal is to create a safe environment that fosters healing, empowerment, and autonomy through services and programs. Field Placement Responsibilities: My field placement responsibilities include being a member of the communications department and the Act 197 committee. In the communications department, I am an administrative assistant that searches for human trafficking agencies in the area to contact and build partnerships with. In the Act 197 committee, my role is to talk educate business owners about the enforcement of Act 197. I am also Aspire's social media manager. Future Goals: My future goals in social work include doing macro practice and advocating for policy changes. I am excited to work with a variety of populations throughout my career. Department of Social Work