MSW Field Profiles 2020-21
MSW Samantha Stoneback 2020 Agency Name: Neighborhood Health Center of the Lehigh Valley Profile: Neighborhood Health Centers of the Lehigh Valley is a non - profit organization that strives to provide healthcare to the uninsured and/or underinsured residents of the Lehigh Valley. They provide services such as behavioral, mental health, drug and alcohol, dental, and medical visits. They also provide primary and preventative health and wellness services regardless of a person ’ s ability to pay. Field Placement Responsibilities: Throughout my placement at the Neighborhood Health Centers of the Lehigh Valley I will be observing client intake and counseling sessions, making phone calls to schedule patients and follow - up phone calls. I will also be creating a resource book for the Easton area for the agency to utilize. Throughout the semester I will be learning to utilize the language line while working with diverse populations in order to provide the best possible services to each client. Lastly, I will also be reviewing the various surveys at NHCLV to determine where I can make changes necessary to improve the patient care. Future Goals: When I graduate from Kutztown University with my MSW, my goal is to become a medical social worker in a hospital setting, or to eventually work in hospice care. Department of Social Work
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