MSW Field Profiles 2020-21
MSW Khadijah McPherson 2020 Agency Name: Country Meadows Nursing Center Profile: My name is Khadijah McPherson, I am an MSW student whose internship placement is at Country Meadows Nursing Center in Bethlehem, PA. Country Meadows is a retirement home that offers skilled rehab and long - term care for our older adults. Field Placement Responsibilities: My primary duties at Country Meadows Nursing Center is discharge planning, long - term care placement and admissions. We focus on discharge planning because we have a rehab unit, after someone completes therapy, we as social works look for a safe discharge plan that we can help set in place. A successful discharge is one that ’ s safe and comfortable for the patients we serve. Future Goals: My future goals are to graduate with my MSW and become licensed in the state of Maryland as an LSW. I would like to continue to work with the elderly population in skilled or hospice. Department of Social Work
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