BSW Field Profiles 2023-24

BSW Glendaliz Lora 2022 Agency Name: Downtown St Joseph Family Practice Clinic Profile: At the Downtown St. Joseph Family Practice Clinic, the agency focus is to support and advocate for our patients. We understand the importance of achieving quality patient care outcomes for our patients and commit to the appropriate use of resources for them. At the Downtown St. Joseph Family Practice Clinic, a case manager works with providers to assist patients with their needs and assess treatment needs for better care. We coordinate insured services with any available community services in the area and coordinate claims with other benefit plans in network. Field Placement Responsibilities: My field placement responsibility is the following: working in collaboration with the social worker (SW) to continue helping our patients population assist healthcare providers, coordinate care and help patients with resources by coordinating home care referrals, durable medical equipment (DME) coordination, wheelchair evaluation, related services (PT evaluation), palliative care services, hospice services, and office of aging referrals. I am also responsible for providing social services to patients. I research and document new patients or clients social history and complete the documentation process. I provide direct services to patients and their families, including social assessment, casework services, meetings, and discharge planning. Future Goals: My future goals are to continue my education and obtain my MSW. I want to be a school social worker or a mental health social worker. Department of Social Work