BSW Field Profiles 2023-24

BSW Samantha McKenney 2022 Agency Name: Berks County Children and Youth Services Profile: The mission of this agency is to protect children and assure their physical and emotional well-being as provided by law, and to preserve, strengthen and empower their families. I have been placed in the In- Home Department in which their main goal is to provide and implement resources so the family may remain intact. Field Placement Responsibilities: As an intern caseworker, I will work with families to develop Family Service Plans which are recommended services to assure that even high-risk situations receive proper services and monitoring to avoid placement or further abuse of the children in the home. My responsibility is to empower families to make positive changes to improve their overall level of functioning. Future Goals: My future goal is to work at a CYS agency to help families stay together. I also would like to work within the Criminal Justice prison system to help inmates access programs within the prison. Department of Social Work