BSW Field Profiles 2019-20
BSW Kimberly Morales 2019 Agency Name: 18th Senatorial DistrictOffice of Lisa Boscola Profile: The District Office serves constituents with: legislative policy matters as well as individual constituent concerns. The individual constituent concerns relates to obtaining birth certificates, PennDot issues such as car registration renewals and vehicle interlock systems, voter registration, LIHEAP applications, Property Tax/Rent Rebate forms, human service referrals, and other concerns. Field Placement Responsibilities: I interact with constituents, other state employees, local officials, and the staff to address all of the concerns of the constituents in the 18th district. I also attend community events to learn the unique needs of the constituents in this district. FutureGoals: My future goals consist of obtaining my Masters degree and continuing to advocate for at risk populations. Department of Social Work
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