Commencement - Spring 2021
M athematics S tudent T eaching A ward Emily Groshek, Orangeville, Pa. N ewton and E dna G eiss A ward in E nglish Rebecca McClaine, Kutztown, Pa. Alexis Rute, Bethlehem, Pa. O utstanding A cademic A chievement in L ogistics and S upply C hain M anagement A ward Sydney Fisher, Lenhartsville, Pa. O utstanding A cademic A chievement in M anagement A ward Andrew Deconinis, Gilbertsville, Pa. O utstanding A chievement in M anagement A ward Judith Croteau, Sinking Spring, Pa. O utstanding A chievement in M arketing A ward Olivia Bauer, Leesport, Pa.* Briana Iannelli, Sewell, N.J. O utstanding A chievement in P ersonal F inancial P lanning S ponsored by M ilestone F inancial A ssoc ., LLC. Katelyn M. Wehr, Kutztown, Pa. O utstanding A chievement for a S enior in C ommunication S tudies Li Ling Lee, Great Bend, Pa. O utstanding A nthropology S tudent A ward Laura Zacharias, Blakeslee, Pa.* O utstanding E nglish M ajor A ward Hailey Johnson, Wrightstown, N.J. Alexis Rute, Bethlehem, Pa. O utstanding S enior in C ommunication S tudies for A cademic E xcellence Madison Hathawat, Bangor, Pa. Vivian Smith, Nazareth, Pa. Emily Witt, Germansville, Pa. O utstanding S enior in H istory A ward Emmy Campbell, Hooksett, N.H. Austin Crowley, Ephrata, Pa. Karleigh Gangwer, Mohrsville, Pa. Madison Szczecina, Orwigsburg, Pa. O utstanding S tudent in B iology /A llied H ealth Madison Rhyder, Coplay, Pa.* O utstanding S tudent in B iology /O rganismal E cology Juliana Gill, Orlando, Fla. O utstanding S tudent in B iology /M olecular /M icro /C ell Janna Leibensperger, Kutztown, Pa. O utstanding S tudent in B iology /P re -M edical and O ther H ealth P rofessions Emily Meade, Tabernacle, N.J. O verall T op A cademic A chievement in F inance A ward Michael R. Dent, Orefield, Pa.* Dan Chen See, Fleetwood, Pa. P auline B. and J ohn E. S impson E arth S cience and M arine S cience G raduation A ward Mark Domin, Royersford, Pa. P eters /D ixon M emorial A ward in P olitical S cience Bethany Brenner, Reading, Pa. PA I nstitute of C ertified P ublic A ccountants A ward Alyssa Romoho, Bernville, Pa. P hi D elta K appa U ndergraduate A ward Nickolas Zimmerman, Lykens, Pa. P SLA A ward – U ndergraduate Alex Mento, Pottstown, Pa. P sychology D epartment A cademic A chievement A ward Payton Gregory, Millville, Pa. P sychology D epartment F ield E xperience A ward Samantha Cartagena, Butler, N.J. Emily Lee-Chong, Dingmans Ferry, Pa. Emily Good, Boyertown, Pa. P sychology D epartment S tudent L eadership A ward Grace Kurtz, Hamburg, Pa. Q uincy and L aura R ohrbach A ward in L ibrarianship Megan Meyer, Lenhartsville, Pa.* R aymond F ord P oetry A ward Emma Brenner, Mertztown, Pa. R ichard B. C lose A ward Emma Streb, Mount Wolf, Pa. R obert W eiss CPA M emorial A ward for E xcellence in T ax Kevin Somdat, Bethlehem, Pa. R oy W. H amme M emorial A ward in P hysical S ciences Caelan Brooks, Bear, Del. * Denotes December 2020 Graduation
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