COVID Queertet

___________________ Who’s Who_____________________ Scott Bastedo (Co-Project Director). Professor Bastedo has taught and developed coursework in audio and video producRon, graphic design, moRon graphics, 3D animaRon, and mass media as an instructor at Northland Community and Technical College and at Millersville University. He has worked as a freelancer on commercials, documentaries, and short films in the Washington, DC area. His areas of interest include cinematography and screenwriRng. Cara Cotellese (Co-Project Director). Professor Cotellese came to KU in the Fall of 2008 afer teaching for 18 years in the cinema/ video program at Bucks County Community College in Newtown, Pa. She is an alumna of the CTM department (formerly electronic media) and conRnues to do freelance work in the field. David Crosson (Engineer in Charge). David is a 2002 graduate of KU with a bachelor’s degree in telecommunicaRons as well as being cerRfied in electronic and electrical engineering. With over 25 years experience in television broadcast, David is a remote technical manager for the NBC Sports Group, video engineer for the Philadelphia Eagles, remote technical manager for DAZN sports, and Engineer in Charge for execuRve leadership communicaRon in corporate faciliRes. His diverse career also covers entertainment and theater. СТМ Live Event Crew (lef to right): Sarah Snyder, Adrianna Matos, Ryan McAfee, Andrew Barr, Bobbi MillerSkinner, Sydney Holderman, Morgan Janasek, Ashley Groover, Kipp Tonkin, and David Ziegler.