2023 Annual Security Report


FIRE SAFETY REPORT - 2023 The Higher EducationOpportunityAct enactedin August 2008 requires institutions that maintaoins-campus student housing facilitietso publishan Annual Fire SafetyReport that contanis information about campus fire safety practices and standards and all fire relaotend-camp us st atistics. The following report details all information required by law as it relates to Kutztown Universityof Pennsylvania and complies with the Clery Act and the Campus Fire Safety Rigthot Know Act. FIRE INCIDENT REPORTING In the event of a fire in a Residence Hall, immediately notify Public Safety and Police Services. For actively burning fires call610 683-4001or 911. For fires that have been extinguished call610-68-3-4002. A fire can alsobe reported to any individuals officially associated with the University. Reslife staff, custodians, facilities maintenance and grounds employees should report all fires and evidence of fires to Public Safety and Police Servicesas soon as they are discovered. In addition, Reslife staff shall followu-p with notifications to the following: Executive Director, Housing & Residence life and Dinning 610-683-4027 Director of Environmental, Health& Safety 610-646-4237 FIRE SAFETY Kutztown University has been a leader in ensuring a fire safety environment for studenst, staff and employees who live and work in University operated residences. The Kutztown University Officeof Environmental, Health& Safety (EHS) has established fire safety policies and programs for fire protection systems, fire prevention, and inspection and fire/life safety education. FIRE PREVENTION To ensure a fire safe environmentin our Residence Halls and apartments the follow items and actions are prohibited: • Any type of open flame, including candles and incense. Smoking is prohibited inside all University buildings, including student rooms and courtyards. This includes vaping or carrying a lighted pipe, cigarette or cigar. • All electrical equipment and appliance that are not UL approved. This includes all decorative string lights. • Cooking appliances are not permitted in traditional and suite style residence halls. Appliances with exposed elements such as space heaters and hot plates are not permitted in residence halls and apartments. Cooking appliance with sealed or enclosed heating elements are permitted in apartments. Examples include: crock pots, electric fondue pots, airstream ovens, hot dog cookers, toasters, electric fry pans popcorn poppers, auto shutoff coffee makers, and microwave ovens. • Auxiliary lights such as halogen lamps, and other heat producing lamps. • The storage of combustible, flammable or explosive materials including but not limited to • propane tanks, lighter fluid, gasoline, paint solvent and compress gas/air cylinders. ITEMS PERMITTED WITH RESTRICTIONS Extension cords must meet the following guidelines: • 14-gauge, 3 wire grounded or heavier rating should an appliance require a heavier cord rating. • Extension cords shall never be strung together. • Only one extension cord per outlet, with only one item plugged into the extension cord. • Extension cords shall never be secured in place using nails or tacks or placed under floor coverings. • Only surge protected power strips are permitted for multiple electrical devices. Multiplug cube adapters are not permitted. Additional information about residence hall living and policies is available in The Key-Student Handbook.

FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS FIRE ALARMS SYSTEMS All campus residence halls and apartments are protected by state of the art automatic, addressable fire alarm systems with voice notification. These fire alarms systems are connected to a central computer located in the Kutztown University Public Safety and Police Services Department Dispatch Center and are monitored 24/7. These systems include smoke and heat detection and manual pull stations. All campus residence halls and apartments are equipped with visual strobe lights for compliance with ADA. All strobe lights flash when the fire alarm system is activated. Activation of a fire alarm is either manual (alarm pull stations) or automatic (smoke/heat detectors, sprinklers); which sounds alarms throughout the building. • An automatic fire detection or suppression system is one that will operate-and provide evacuation notification without human interaction. • An addressable fire detection system is one where the location of the activated device (address) is reported to the fire alarm panel as well as the Dispatch Center to alert first responders to the exact location of the incident. • Voice notification audibly alerts occupants of an emergency situation in the building and instructs occupants to evacuate and assembly at their assigned assembly locations outside. The campus fire alarms systems meet or exceed NFPA 72, The National Fire Alarm Code. All fire alarm systems and their component parts are inspected per NFPA guidelines annually by a NICET certified technician. SPRINKLER SYSTEMS All residence halls and apartments are equipped with automatic water-based fire sprinkler systems. These sprinkler systems include wet and dry - pipe systems, fire hose connections in stairways of some high-rise buildings and fire pumps to increase pressure and flow to meet applicable code requirements. All sprinkler systems are monitored through the building fire alarm system and will trigger the fire alarm when activated. All sprinkler systems are inspected per NFPA code semiannually by NICET certified sprinkler technician. Our sprinkler systems comply with NFPA 25 and 13 guidelines. • A full sprinkler system is one that covers all areas within a building to include living areas, corridors, lobbies, lounges, mechanical areas and storage rooms. • A wet sprinkler system is always "on", it has water in the pipes at all times. • A dry-pipe sprinkler system is used in areas prone to freezing temperatures. These sprinkler systems are dry until activated by a fire. • Sprinkler heads are heat sensitive devices. These devices activate when the air in the immediate area of the sprinkler head reaches a pre-determined temperature. Sprinkler heads operate independently. Sprinkler heads will not activate as a result of smoke in the area. • Typically, an activated sprinkler head will flow 30 gallons of water per minute. Once the fire is extinguished, the water flow must be shut off manually. PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Fire extinguishers are located in hallways, common areas and mechanical areas of residence halls and apartments. Multi-class (ABC), multi-purpose dry chemical fire extinguishers, pressurized water fire extinguishers and CO2 fire extinguishers are provided in residence halls and apartments. Fire extinguishers are inspected by the Office of Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) and annually per NFPA guidelines by a NICET certified fire suppression technician. Per NFPA 10 and OSHA 29 CFR 1910.157, fire extinguishers receive six-year maintenance and are hydro-tested every 5 or 12 years, depending on the type of fire extinguisher.

• Fire class is dependent on the type of material that is burning. Class A fires - ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper and trash, Class B fires- combustible and flammable liquids and gasses such as gasoline, kerosene or propane and butane, Class C fires energized electrical circuits/equipment. A multi-class fire extinguisher can extinguisher different classes of fires. FIRE/EVACUATION DRILLS In compliance with Commonwealth of Pennsylvania regulations and University policy, fire/evacuation drills are conducted each semester during the academic year. The first drill is conducted at the start of the fall semester. Evacuation is required of all occupants when the fire alarm is activated in any campus housing facility. Evacuation drill performance is evaluated by the Office of Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS). Feedback is provided to Residence Life and lessons learned are incorporated in training. EVACUATION PROCEDURES- If you smell smoke or observe fire: • Activate a manual pull station if the fire alarm is not already activated. • Upon activation of the fire alarm, all occupants shall immediately leave the building by the nearest safe exit. If time permits close windows and doors. Become familiar with the locations of the exits in your building. Know the location of a secondary exit in the event your primary exit is unusable. • Exit quickly in an orderly fashion. • Use the stairs, not the elevator • Warn others by yelling "fire, evacuate the building". • If you are unable to evacuate by yourself, go to the nearest Area of Rescue and contact Public Safety and Police Services at 610-683-4001. • After exiting the building report to your assigned assembly location outside. • Never re-enter the building until you are given the "All Clear" by a First Responder. FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY TRAINING The Office of Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) in coordination with Residence Life provides annual fire and life safety training to Residence Directors (RDs) and Community Assistants (CAs). Talking points are provided to the CAs for a consistent message at their required floor meetings. Floor meetings on fire and life safety are held by CAs with building residents at the start of the fall semester. The training includes: • The nature of fire • Fire alarm system • Sprinkler system • Building fire safety components • Fire extinguishers • Evacuation procedures • Life safety/fire prevention FIRE SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS The Office of Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) continually works with our fire protection service provider Johnson Control-SimplexGrinnell on improving our fire alarm system. Since 2012 there have been five residence halls that have upgraded their fire alarm systems to the latest technology available. These include Lehigh Hall (2012), Schuylkill Hall (2013), Berks Hall (2014), Deatrick Hall (2016), and Rothermel Hall (2017). FIRE LOG A fire log of all reported fires is maintained in the Office of Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) located in the Facilities building. The fire log records the building of the fire, general location within the building, date, time and nature of the fire.

The Office of Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) prepares this report in compliance with section 48S(i) of the Higher Education Opportunity Act, otherwise known as the Campus Fire Safety Right-to-Know Act. This report is available on-line at the Kutztown University website. Copies of the Annual Fire Safety Report may also be obtained by calling the Kutztown University Work Control Center at 610-683-1594.