Cross Country Media Guide

MEDIA INFORMATION All media inquiries for Kutztown University athletics, its coaches and student-athletes, are to be directed to the Golden Bear Sports Information Office. Media inquiries include all requests for sports information file photographs, photo shoots and interviews (either by phone, e-mail, in-person or otherwise) at all times, in- cluding during the active playing season, pre- and post-seasons, as well as during and outside of practices. Sports Information will provide information on game credentials, photo and film creden- tials, radio, television and scouting. Sports Information reserves the right to refuse or alter media requests, especially those that conflict with practices, games, travel, classes or other team/uni- versity activities. Approved requests will be fulfilled at a time that is mutually convenient for all parties. The Sports Information staff manages press row during home games and provides complete statistics for members of the work- ing media. Press row seating passes and credentials must be re- quested at least 24 hours in advance of each contest. Members of the media will receive priority seating. The KU Sports Information Office is located in the university’s University Relations Depart- ment, room 303, Schock Education House. This media guide was designed, written and edited by Sports Information Director Bryan Salvadore. Photos for this publication appear courtesy of Andrew Ferguson, David Johnson, Jeff Uleau and Jeff Unger. Some photos from University Archives. Bryan Salvadore can be contacted at or (610) 683-4182. ENROLLMENT There are currently 7,800 full- and part-time undergraduate and graduate students from20 states and nations. Most are Pennsylva- nia residents: 56% women, 44% men. SPECIAL ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Honors Program throughout the undergraduate curriculum, in- ternational exchange, study abroad and study away programs, freshmen seminars, independent study, internships, and diversi- fied academic support services. FACULTY Teaching-focused, with scholarly expertise; many are engaged in research, writing, and consulting. 93% have their doctorate or terminal degree. We have a student/faculty ratio of 18:1. LIBRARY A modern, spacious facility with wireless Internet access through- out the building; more than 400,000 books and bound periodi- cals; 74,000 print and electronic periodical subscriptions; 149 databases providing access to hundreds of thousands of e-books, documents, reports, and images; more than one million micro- forms; maps, videos and DVDs; state-of-the-art computer facilities; study rooms; coffee shop. SPECIAL FACILITIES Wireless campus with galleries and studios, planetarium, obser- vatory, TV production facilities, radio station, 50 computer labs containing 1,800 PCs/Macs for student-use, smart classrooms, curriculum materials center, Ronald R. Rhein Environmental Study Area, Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center, Chin- coteague Bay Field Station in Virginia. STUDENT LIFE The McFarland Student Union serves as the campus living room, with a movie theatre, computer lab, multiple lounges, coffee bar, a dining area and campus information center. Approximately 200 student organizations: academic, campus media, diversified interest, Greek, performing arts, public service, residency issues, spiritual, special interest, sports (intramural and club programs), visual arts affiliates; plus musical entertainment, dances, lec- tures, comedy, excursions and cultural events are available. Ad- ditionally, the student recreation center houses a rock climbing wall and provides fitness programs, racquetball courts, gymnasi- ums, fitness equipment and juice bar. HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL SERVICES 12 residence facilities (nine coed and three modified coed) that in- clude three apartment-style, two suite-style and seven traditional; accommodate 4,000 students. All residence halls are wired for ca- ble TV, local telephone, Internet and campus network access. ATHLETICS Eight men’s intercollegiate sports (baseball, basketball, cross country, football, tennis, indoor and outdoor track & field, and wrestling) and 13 women’s sports (basketball, cross country, field hockey, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, indoor and out- door track & field, volleyball, lacrosse, and bowling); athletic facili- ties include swimming pool, football stadium, fieldhouse, weight room, playing fields, tennis and basketball courts, indoor and out- door track, cross-country course. Member NCAA Division II, PSAC. FINANCIAL AID Approximately 80% of students receive financial aid in the form of scholarships, grants, loans, or student employment. In accordance with the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act of 1994 (section 360B of Pub. L. 130-382), the Kutztown University Athletic Department has made information con- cerning its intercollegiate athletics programs available to the public. This informa- tion is on file at Rohrbach Library and the athletic department main office. Ques- tions can be directed to the athletics office, (610) 683-4094. Kutztown University is committed to Affirmative Action, equal employment and educational opportunity in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246, the Educational Amendments under Title IX of 1972, Sections 503/504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Facts about Kutztown University